Lincoln County “Tax List, 1817” [3 Documents]

Kathy Gunter Sullivan, Contributor, 20 May 2009

Lincoln County Miscellaneous Records; Tax List, 1817; CRX 298, North Carolina State Archives


Transcriber’s Comments.

Document 1: Although the folder label reads “Tax List, 1817,” this document is a report to the State Comptroller of the Currency for the 1816 tax year.

582,723 ¾ acres valued at $1, 081,747.

White Polls: 1,617

Black Polls 1,374

Stores five

Taverns four

Stud Horse by the season: one at $5, one at $4, one at $2

Nine Studs returned with no “price annexed”

Horses valued at $12

Town property valued at $20,785


Document 2: A statement naming insolvent or removed polls.


Document 3: This is not a tax record. It is the Clerk’s statement that Oliver Holland, elected High Sheriff of Lincoln, submitted the requisite bond of office dated 1817.


For reference, here is an alphabetized list of the names within the documents:


Adams, Robert

Holland, Oliver security on Sheriff’s bond

Aker, Christian

Hoover, Daniel

Baldwin, John

Hoyle, Andrew security on Sheriff’s bond

Best, Martin

Jenkins, Drury

Bird, Francis

Kenady, James

Brown, John

Killian, Jacob

Cobb, Thomas

Langford, George

Collins, Hannah

Ma__er, Thomas

Collins, Joseph

Mays, Drury

Copeland, Rueben

McBee, Vardry, Clerk of County Court

Corzine, Eli

Owensby, Thomas

Corzine, Enos

Ponder, Jehu

Crow, Robert

Power, George

Darnel, Joel

Reese, James

Darnel, Jordan

Sadler, James

Davis, Edward

Senter, Jacob

Fish, Jacob

Snyder, Barnet

Fish, Wm

Snyder, Barnet

Fisher, John

Snyder, Barnet

Hansel, Wm

Warlick, Daniel

Harden, Marland

Wells, James Jnr

Helderman, Jacob

Williams, William

Henkle, Anthony

Wilson, John

Holland, Isaac elected High Sheriff



Document 1

Kathy Gunter Sullivan, Contributor, 20 May 2009

Lincoln County Miscellaneous Records; Tax List, 1817; CRX 298, North Carolina State Archives



Duplicate Return

made to the

Comptroller for 1816.


State of North Carolina }

Lincoln County                }


I Vardry McBee Clerk of Lincoln County

Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions do hereby certify

the following to be a true Statement of the

return of Taxables as made to this office for the

Year of 1816 by the Justices of Said County Viz

five hundred & eighty two thousand Seven hundred &

twenty three & ¾ acres of Land (582723 ¾), Valued at one Million

eighty one thousand seven hundred & forty Seven dollars


One thousand Six hundred & Seventeen White Polls

(1617) One thousand three hundred & Seventy four

black Polls (1374), five Stores four Taverns

1 Stud horse at five dollars, one at four dollars

& one at two dollars amounting for Seasons of Stud

Horses Priced to twelve dollars $12. And nine

Stud Horses Returned without any price annexed

to them. Town property Twenty thousand seven hundred & eighty five dollars worth (20785)

Given under my hand at office at Lincolnton the [blank] day of September AD 1817

                         [signed:] Vardry McBee CC



Document 2

Kathy Gunter Sullivan, Contributor, 20 May 2009

Lincoln County Miscellaneous Records; Tax List, 1817; CRX 298, North Carolina State Archives


State of North Carolina}

Lincoln County                }  July Sessions AD 1817


I Vardry McBee Clerk of Lincoln

County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions in the State

aforesaid Do hereby certify the following to be

a true Statement of Polls returned on oath in

open Court as Insolvent or removed for which the

Taxes could not be collected for the Year 1816

Jacob Helderman, Anthony Henkle, Jacob Killian

Thomas Ma__er, George Power, Daniel Hoover,

John Brown one white one black, Hannah Collins

two blacks, Rueben Copeland, Edward Davis,

Marland Harden, Jehu Ponder, John Wilson one white one black,

George Langford, Robert Crow, Joseph Collins,

Martin Best, Christian Aker, Thomas Cobb

Wm Hansel, Thomas Owensby, James Reese,

James Sadler, William Williams, Daniel Warlick,

Jorden Darnel, John Baldwin, Drury Jenkins

James Wells Jnr, Joel Darnel, Jacob Senter, James

Kenady, Robert Adams, Barnet Snyder, Eli Corzine

Enos Corzine, Wm Fish, Jacob Fish, Drury Mays

Francis Bird, & John Fisher amounting in the

whole to forty four, 44. Given under my hand

at Office at Lincolnton the 13th day of September AD


                        [signed:] Vardry McBee CC



Document 3

Kathy Gunter Sullivan, Contributor, 20 May 2009

Lincoln County Miscellaneous Records; Tax List, 1817; CRX 298, North Carolina State Archives


State of North Carolina }

Lincoln County                 }


I Vardry McBee Clerk of Lincoln

County Court do hereby Certify that Isaac Holland

Esquire is high Sheriff of Said County of Lincoln

& that Andrew Hoyle Esquire & Oliver Holland are

his Securities. Given under my hand at Lincolnton

the 13th day of September 1817

                            [signed] Vardry McBee CC


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